Interview Editor- Ojvind Karlsson
I.Ojvind Karlsson's Personal Background
Can you tell us a bit about your background and why you joined

Ever since I bought my first PC, with a 486dx2-66 CPU, I became very interested in hardware. At the time I was a student of archaeology at the University in Stockholm, and later I did research in arkeometallurgy. During this time I also tried to develop how the computer was used in documentation and presentation of archeological data and finds. During my time as a student I searched the Internet for information and people to talk to about computer hardware. That・s when I found

I started as a member at sometime in the year 2000, and was later asked to be a moderator in the forum. This was a good opportunity to learn about hardware and what kind of aspects interested our readers. For a long time I also bought computer components and built different types of computers just for fun. I always wanted to learn about all different types of computer systems. Later I wanted to move on and became Editor at and published my first review 2002-10-17.

Currently I am working with technical support on POS terminals as well as being Editor at

Being Editor at means that I test and review a lot of different computer components, and I have contacts with many different companies and manufacturers. And to use a popular quote: :It・s not a job, it・s a calling;. It・s also very fitting since at the moment I don・t get paid.

I live in a three-room apartment with my 7 years old son who also likes computers, but he is naturally not allowed to build his own computers yet. But I guess that he will do that soon enough.